
2 Min Overview Video
5 Min Detailed Video

ULTRAPREP™ is an FDA Registered Container for Liquid Medication
Traditional preoperative skin preparation is performed inside the operating room – the most expensive patient care area – using integrated tube/sponge applicators such as BD’s ChloraPrep™, 3M’s DuraPrep™, and Povidone Iodine gauze swab kits.
Rather than using these common paint-on applicators containing small volumes of antiseptics inside the OR, the ULTRAPREP™ system utilizes a pooled-on technique in which any desired antiseptic and the body region are placed into our patented, clear plastic containment sleeves outside the OR — allowing thorough skin coverage on all skin parts, between skin folds, between fingers/toes and under nails.
• More efficient use of OR personnel time
• Faster OR throughput
• More potential billable cases per day/week
• Less potential overtime costs per day/week
• Less risk of Hypotensive episodes between the induction of anesthesia and incision
• Less expensive personnel costs for skin prepped in the patient holding area
• Improved disinfectant coverage of body regions with complex topology
• Decreased circulator nurse fatigue
• Elimination of extra personnel required for OR skin prep
Prior to entering the OR, the antiseptic is drained into a provided container and discarded while the extremity remains inside the sealed ULTRAPREP™ device. When the OR is ready, a patient is wheeled into the surgical suite and anesthetized. The device is then opened via a lateral zipper revealing the fully prepped limb. Once the extremity is exposed, the patient is then draped and ready for surgery – saving a proven minimum of 6-9 minutes case after case.
Clinical Trials
Two bacterial colony studies using ULTRAPREP™ proved equivalent efficacy as the active antiseptic (2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate and 70% Isopropyl Alcohol w/v) as in ChloraPrep™. One of the studies on 114 patients at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital in Louisiana, proved that ULTRAPREP™ also saved six to nine minutes of OR time per extremity surgery. Nurses in the study affirmed a reduction in daily fatigue by eliminating the need to elevate limbs (especially heavy legs) for OR skin preparation. Doctors and nurses using ULTRAPREP™ expressed high praise for the product’s benefits and 100% did not want to revert to standard skin prep methods after the clinical trial.
• Preoperative skin preparation
• Postoperative wound care
• Home health patient care
• First-aid/emergency medical trauma